St. Patrick Sacramental Policies
Parents must be registered at St. Patrick and attend Mass for 3 months before preparation.
Parents must attend Baptism Preparation Class (second Sunday of each month at 11:45 am).
Godparents are invited to attend. Please schedule with the church office. Ensure at least one Godparent is Catholic.
Out of town Godparents must provide a letter from their pastor as to their suitability to exercise this office.
Marriage - Couples Must:
Contact the office at least 6 months prior (preferably more) to desired wedding date.
Complete the FOCCUS inventory.
Participate in a pre-Cana course or marriage preparation weekend.
NO wedding date is guaranteed untill ALL Diocesan and Parish requirements are fulfilled.
First Communion and Confirmation
Family must be registered at St. Patrick.
Preparation - Two years of classes.
Children must be at least 7 years old to receive First Communion and at least 13 years old for Confirmation.